Get Connected
At Grace, we believe that God created us to be in a relationship with Jesus and with one another. Through our genetic makeup we have a need to belong and a desire to make a difference in the world. We believe this is accomplished by actively seeking to embrace our relationship with God and one another through study, spiritual nurture, and connection. Grace provides educational opportunities and small groups to connect with one another and grow in faith through study and fellowship.
Weekly Groups & Bible Studies
Grace offers weekly groups and Bible studies almost every day of the week. Whether you're looking for a men's, women's, or co-ed group, we're sure we can help you find one that fits your busy schedule. Some are hosted at the church and some are at folks' homes.
Let us know what type of group you're interested in and we'll try to match you up with one that works best.

Fellowship Opportunities
At its core, Grace is like one big family. Folks rarely just show up to church on Sunday morning, they connect with each other, make friends, and feel like part of the family. We offer a variety of fellowship opportunities that allow folks to meet new people, build on existing relationships, and ultimately just have fun.
Community Events
Grace strives to be active in our surrounding communities and hosts a variety of events throughout the year. Whether it's fun events that bring folks joy or events that provide support during times of need, Grace has always been dedicated to opening its campus to our neighbors.

For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.
Matthew 18:20